Agile session Alt.Net London

September 17, 2008

So to start the conference I chose to take part in a session about agile development and processes. I think mainly because I wanted a refresher on some of the points and to see if I could contribute. It’s nice to see plenty of people there new to Agile as I was at my first open conference. Learning the basics of the process, and making a good start. I was also interested to see how people had developed from their initial attempts at introducing Agile to their shops.

At one point there was a lot of talk about how we estimate, and I was surprised to see that everyone had assumed estimating in hours and half days. Assigning some time to points and then estimating with points. I wonder what happened to estimating by points representing complexity. At uSwitch, when we introduced planning meetings and planning poker, we started with 5 points to a day. This was mainly to get developers used to the idea of estimating in points and as a team. Over time in teams where this method had remained, they have naturally loosened the tie between the points and the number of hours they represent when estimating. They still use the rule to define how much capacity they have in a given iteration, 5*Devs* 10days = capacity.

For me and my teams, we’ve moved this to the next logical stage of entirely decoupling estimation points from time and tying them to the complexity of a task. Has this gone out of fashion and no one told me?

I think I’ll break this off into a separate post on estimating

Crystal and full project breadth

Ian Cooper shared with the group the method or agile flavour he’s using with his current team, it’s called Crystal and sounds interesting. It sounds like the emphasis of crystal is the continuous improvement and customisation of the process to your team and project’s needs. A quick bout of googling tells me that the following has not much directly to do with Crystal. From what I’ve been able to gleam (and it’s not much) Crystal is primarily focused on improving methodology frequently, aiming to minimise it’s weight.

The main point that Ian brought up that caught my attention was the move from the pure priority prioritisation to a more whole system or breadth approach with incremental refinement. Purely working of stories by priorities, apparently leads to systems that have a lot of work and attention spent on apparent high priority sections while those features and functions that the client may deem as a lesser priority are essentially neglected, typically tacked on the end of the project. This can lead to seemingly unfinished projects (my conclusion).

The three thirds approach that Ian described seems to encompass the entire system with increasing levels of ‘focus’. The first phase is the ‘Walking Skeleton’ this is just enough of the entire system to get something going from a technical perspective, this might take up most of the ‘framework’ stuff that one has to do to get a project going. Many people likened this to an iteration 0, which doesn’t deliver much or any business value but is necessary to build something you can demonstrate.

The next phase delivers the ‘First Business Value’ taking the walking skeleton and adding enough to actually add to what the business has, making a contribution.

Here is where my notes get a little woolly and I wish I wrote this post while I was in the room! The final phase adds all the other features, improves on the initial business value, works on feedback from the client on the second phase, and perhaps includes changes to requirements.

From the weakness of those last two paragraphs, I think I’m definitely going to do a little more research, so check back for a bit more bulk in later posts.

This notion of increasing the focus with subsequent iterations really did intrigue me, and I’m definitely going to see how I can apply it to our next project.

So, I’ve just got back from the altdotnet conference in London. This is my second altdotnet conference, and it was as good as I remember. You could see people had moved on, and it was nice to see that altdotnet has had its affect on in a positive way. 5 attendees were currently employed by uSwitch, that’s a great improvement from the 1 from last year.

As always at open spaces events, I do wish I was less passive in my contribution, but every time I did pipe up someone else got to where I was going but probably more clearly than I would have. Maybe by the next conference blogging will have helped improve my confidence and clarity.

I aimed to learn about acceptance testing and how I could move that piece of the agile puzzle forward in my organisation, and luckily Gojko Adzic was in attendance. He literally wrote the book on using Fitnesse for acceptance testing, and clearly had lots to say. I attended (accidentally) two sessions on acceptance testing. Our BDD talk quickly moved on from the standard definition argument to a broader discussion on how ‘Behaviour’ should inform our acceptance tests and involve all stake holders rather than just be a developer concern. I think I’ll separate out my write ups on the different sessions I attended.

Ian started the conference with a quick demo of the Park Bench method of a open space session, and chose the controversial subject someone had brought up in the previous nights session brainstorming exercise. Is altdotnet = faddotnet. The park bench quickly ended up being the same old are we anti msoft, should we be, why are there so few of us, why doesn’t anyone else care, this session was the closest to an alcoholics anonymous I wanted the event to get. (We’re only ever two step aways from that in an open space conference).

I really did start wishing we stopped concerning ourselves with how we’re perceived. It seems only ever really to be a concern of people who are unsure they want to wear an badge. To them I say, don’t! But if you’re interested in the things we do, and interested enough to read our blogs, attend our meetings, then you’re welcome. I think the difference between an’er and a microsoftie, is the just the plain old giving a damn. Enjoyng what we do for a living, with just a little mix of compsci for added goodness, but not so much that we end up being java devs 🙂

It was also good to brush up on some of the basics of Agile and DDD, just to remind myself on what I find so interesting about my job. Thanks guys! Now for me to work on giving some back….